Monday looked to me like some higher Being looked at our world and decided to adorn it with diamonds.  There was such profound beauty everywhere I looked that all the random thoughts and useless inner/outer talk just faded into a profound and peaceful silence.  Here are the photos I took that day.  Hopefully, you will see the same Beauty that spoke to me.

the telephone wires etc. outside the studio

see all the icicles hanging there...they are small but so shiny!

trees outside the studio sparkling with majesty

my ski shadow...this was the first time I ever was able to ski during the day

This is the wave pool at Sno Mountain...where I was able to practice until I felt less afraid. The snow was too deep here to "go" downhill.

Sunset at the top of the Bunny Slope lift on Sno Mountain. Ryan was working the lift Monday night and was very encouraging to me.

Another view from the top of the Bunny Slope.

My son just before getting on the "Big" not for me just yet!

Just one last look back at the Mountain and the Trees...if you zoom in you might be able to see how the trees were all glitter in the bright lights.

This was probably our last Monday night ski trip until next year.  We completely enjoyed ourselves and I think we are going to try golfing nine holes on Mondays once the weather really turns nice and the courses open.  It was unifying to have this once a week outing without technology of any sort…just the three of us outside in stride with each other.  I am glad I joined in the fray and cannot wait until the season begins next year!  Beam me up, Scotty…I am so there!

Take care and embrace the day!  love, TheHumanLoom